June marked the end of a four year complex trust administration odyssey. This administration could have been a television show, as it had every intrigue you can imagine – power struggles, illiquid assets, environmental claims, a defunct closely held business with unpaid claims, an injunction preventing the sale of real estate, property tax claims, third party claims, and bickering beneficiaries, all of which was made worse by an unscrupulous advisor who attempted to take control. No less than ten different attorneys were involved in various aspects of the administration. DeAngelis Legal advised the successor trustee from acceptance as trustee, through identifying assets and liabilities and reviewing the estate tax return, to modification of the trust, resolution of the disputes and liquidation of the assets and final distribution of the assets.
By Quinn DeAngelis|2022-07-21T12:14:07-07:00July 15th, 2022|Recent Projects, Probate and Trust Administration, Estate Planning, Succession Planning, Protecting Family Wealth, Homepage|Comments Off on June 2022 Complex Trust Administration