Out of the chaos of current events comes clarity of purpose. The impact of the COVID-19 virus is widespread and yet to be fully understood as we do not know whether this a temporary condition or a monumental shift in our lifestyles. Some industries have been decimated, while others continue to thrive. The political and racial environments are divided and tense. Out of this chaos we are finding ourselves leading simpler lives close to home. While personal incomes, the stock market and real estate values continue to rise, it remains to be seen how recent events (decreased life expectancy, low interest rates, business interruptions, remote working, market fluctuations) will impact our lives and economy in the long term.
DeAngelis Legal continues to remain open. To minimize exposure risk to staff and our clients we are encouraging more telephonic and zoom meetings and limiting in person meetings to signings and essential meetings only. Our meeting protocols can be found at https://www.deangelislegal.com/covid-19/. While my office remains open, the pandemic is real. Please take actions to protect yourselves and your family. Over the last few months we have seen an increase in the number of probate and trust administrations caused by COVID-19 related deaths.